The brain continues to remain an unsolved mystery of nature, despite the fact that it has been studied
for too long by neurophysiologists, pathophysiologists, anatomists, histologists, neurologists,
neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, neuro-ophthalmologists, ottoneurologists,
neurobiochemists, ultrasound, infrared, magnetic, x-ray and radiation diagnosticians, paramedics,
sociologists, etc.
Practical medicine suffers as a result of the unsolved secrets of the brain. The bulk of brain disease
continues to remain unclear and therapeutic measures are not radical.
A correct understanding of the functioning of the brain has not only medical, but also sociological
significance. On the one hand, maintaining people’s health is a sociological problem; on the other
hand, history knows many leaders who were simply sick people. Among them are Alexander the
Great, Napoleon, Stalin, etc. We can say that, due to their brain diseases, they differed from the
people around them in their behavior. Society perceived these deviations as a gift from God and, with
her encouragement, promoted these sick people to great leaders. If the functions of the brain were
understood, they would be given an adequate assessment on the first steps of their aggressive and
bloody path, history would be written differently, the social system would be much better and more
A correct understanding of brain functions also has economic implications. We can say that all
business in the world is aimed at satisfying the physical and spiritual needs of people. What are
spiritual needs? What brain functions cause this? So far, these questions remain unanswered in
The study of the brain, in addition to scientific, medical, sociological and economic significance, also
has military overtones. The temptation to lead people like zombies, or to become Belyaev’s ruler of
the world, is not small. Our understanding of the true functions of the brain virtually eliminates such
possibilities. The temptations of these sick people are in vain, because human behavior is the result of
the function of the brain as a response-reflex to environmental conditions. A person’s reactions are
determined more by the environment than by the state of the brain.
There are several reasons for the Undiscovery of brain functions.
1. disunity of disciplines studying the brain. All these teachings coming from neurophysiology were
gradually removed and weakened the connecting legs with mother science. Epilepsy is dealt with by
neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists (not counting the hordes of paramedics, even with medical
diplomas with the seal of passing the Hippocratic Oath), each in their own way, each according to the
instructions of the world federations of their associations, and each in a different way. All attempts to
bring together and identify diagnostic and treatment approaches end in failure. Related scientific
work, if it doesn’t suit someone in some way, is passed over. Everyone considers this to be beyond
their competence and the issue remains unclear. A neurosurgeon does not study neurophysiology, a
neurologist does not study neuroimaging, a psychiatrist does not study neuroophthalmology, etc.
2. weakness of basic science – neurophysiology. First of all, this relates to the incorrect interpretation
of the source of the occurrence of waves during EEG registration. Fluctuations in the EEG recording,
for simple reasons of the physics of electricity, cannot in any way be the total potential of the neural

pools of the cerebral cortex, as is common throughout the world. Secondly, modern neurophysiology
does not even raise the question of where the electrical energy that provides brain functions comes
from. Neurons do not generate them, but they spend them in large quantities. This energy must come
to the brain from outside.
3. The desire to find mystery and mystery in the functions of the brain is so attractive that in addition
to philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, people with some mental disabilities in the form of
psychics, fortune tellers, soothsayers, religious fans, etc. Serious scientists are also involved. Their
many years of honest work have not led to an understanding of the brain (which is practically
impossible due to errors in neurophysiology), and it’s time to call it a day. Consequently, these serious
scientists consider the brain a mystery that will not be solved any time soon.

Modern hyper-frequent computer technologies with high temporary and permanent memory, the
ability to provide highly complex computer programs can reveal the capabilities of existing diagnostic
equipment. Today it is naive to talk about psychology according to Freud and neurophysiology
according to Pavlov. Imagine that these scientists find themselves in the present. They would correct a
lot in their works. However, today many famous scientists and practicing doctors continue to remain
at the level of luminaries of the origins.
Today, when nanotechnologists claim that it is possible to copy the human brain several hundred
thousand times smaller, it is simply a shame to talk about the unclear secrets of the brain.
The importance of understanding the functioning of the brain, the need to revise generally accepted
concepts in modern neurophysiology, the need to strengthen connections between neurodisciplines,
and the opportunities provided by modern technologies and digital machines are arguments for the
creation of a new scientific and practical discipline. The search for well-known scientific disciplines
alone cannot resolve all these questions. Of all the titles, Clinical Neuroscience is the most appropriate