Greetings, my invaluable visitors. I’ve owned the domain Neurofuture.com since 2006. Until recently, the site was hosted on a 3,000-megabyte server, accessible only for reading. You can view its initial form here. Recently, I moved the hosting to a mid-powered VPS and intend to transform the site into not just a functional but an extremely valuable platform for simplifying and enhancing healthcare worldwide. To present these words seriously, allow me to introduce myself from a professional standpoint.
I’ve been a neurosurgeon for 47 years. While I haven’t stopped my surgical practice, I now refrain from complex and lengthy neurosurgical operations. In addition to neurosurgery, I’ve worked in emergency medical services—general, neurological, and cardiological teams. I spent six years as an ophthalmologist, performing outpatient eye surgeries. I’ve also worked in an anti-tuberculosis dispensary, an Institute of Traumatology, a neurotraumatology department, a Central Clinical Military Hospital, and at the frontline of combat zones.
I’ve read nearly all Russian-language monographs on neurology and neurophysiology from 1965 to 1990. During the Soviet era we worked not by protocols but based on our knowledge and trial-and-error. Our guidance came from clinic leaders. Mostly they was eldder people. Understandably, our work didn’t yield the desired results. I pondered deeply—where was the mistake? To find it, I delved into neurodiagnostics, studying and performing electroencephalography, echoencephalography, eye fundus video and photography, audiometry. All examinations were personally conducted, correlating them with patient complaints, history, lab studies, CT and MRI scans, and a detailed examination of the clinical picture, primarily the neurological status. Eventually, my efforts paid off.
On a sunny spring day in 2004, after eye fundus video of a 12-year-old, I listened to the complaints of his accompanying mother. The child had neurosis. Just then, observing the eye fundus, I noticed a state of increased intracranial pressure.
In that moment, I became one of those rare individuals who shouted “Eureka,” like Archimedes. I suddenly understood the entire chain of pathological processes that led the child to neurosis. I recognized the connection between intracranial pressure and neurosis, recalling literature readings, observations of brain blood vessels during surgeries, etc. and began contemplating.
After some time, I noticed the mother looking at me with fearful eyes. I asked her to come another time. She grabbed the child and fled from the office. The first person witnessing the discovery of one of the most significant neurophysiological findings mistook me for a lunatic.
I called home, said I’d be late, and spent the evening covered in paperwork. All unclear questions, paradoxical phenomena received their answers that day. The discovery was the “pendulum mechanism of brain blood auto-regulation.” This discovery was like an all-opening key, unlocking all those closed doors hindering our understanding of the brain.
By then, I had already written articles on the true origin of EEG waves and the role of the reticular system. After 2004, I started presenting my hypotheses at various major scientific congreses and forums, locally and globally. Common reactions to my presentations were something like, “What you’re saying makes logicaly but is diametrically opposed to our beliefs. You need experimental evidence.” These experiments were beyond my capabilities. After my last presentation in China in 2015, I fell silent. I understood that I wouldn’t do it. The age was not right. Recently, with the activation of artificial intelligence, my hopes revived, and I activated this site. Soon, I may activate my AI bot, and together we will change the world. Epilepsy, neurosis, schizophrenia, dementia, sclerosis, spinal cord injury, etc., will no longer be verdicts. These people will be healthy.